Sabtu, 18 Februari 2017

Uprooted - Spoiler Free ReviewThe Book Life

Uprooted - Spoiler Free ReviewThe Book Life

Hey guys it's Sarah Jane,welcome back
to my channel. Today I'm here to bring you a spoiler free review of Uprooted by
Naomi Novik. I read it I finally read it. Sam from Thoughts on Tomes bought me
this book in January 2016 as a birthday present and I hadn't read it until last
week because I'm a rubbish human.

So Uprooted is a book that most of you will
either have read or at the very least heard about, it's a book that got a lot
of hype a lot of buzz in the beginning and it's interesting coming to the book
at this point after its release because people seem to either love the book or
hate it. *Cat meows* Luna I actually managed to do that sentence in one take. I would like
to take this moment to tell you that she was fed 15 minutes ago. So Uprooted is an
adult fantasy novel which I didn't know actually until I'd finished the book
which was quite interesting because I.

Went into it thinking it was YA. But I
will touch upon that later. So this is a fantasy novel that feels as though it's
set in a world where fairy tales come from, it has that fairy tale feel to it
and it follows the story of seventeen-year-old Agnieszka.  I don't know, it wouldn't be a book review if i didn't
slaughter some names.

So Agnieszka loves her quiet village she loves her life there
but the village stands on the edge of a very corrupted wood. The wood is cold
it's corrupted it's dangerous and its kept at bay by the cold wizard known as
the Dragon. This wizard known as the Dragon keeps the villagers safe but it
comes at a cost. Every 10 years the village must hand over a girl to serve
the dragon for 10 years, a fate almost as terrible as being lost to the wood.

girls that are born in choosing year are always seen as a little bit special they
are loved that little bit harder treasured that a little bit more because
it's known that one of them will be picked by the dragon to serve him. But
Nieshka has never really had that trouble because it was never believed that it
was going to be her, her best friend Kasia is beautiful, she's talented and
it's always being kind of understood that it will be Kasia that the Dragon
picks but in true book fashion of course that is not how it goes and the dragon
picks Agnieszka. Within seconds of being picked by the Dragon she's thrust from
the world that she knows and loves and she now lives in the Dragons Tower and
she knows she's going to be there for ten years. I'm gonna put this down now though
because it's quite heavy okay? Because Agnieszka never thought it was
going to be her she never made the effort to learn how to cook she never
made the effort to learn how to be a servant so the Dragon is quite
displeased with her at first shall we say.

I would say the first 30% or so of
the book definitely gave me strong Beauty and the Beast vibes if you go
into it expecting a Beauty and the Beast retelling you're gonna be very
disappointed but if like me one of your favorite elements of Beauty and the
Beast is the push and pull characters have, the friction they have how he's
really grumpy and she's really stubborn, if that is your favorite element of
Beauty and the Beast you will see Beauty and the Beast in this book. The dragon
starts to do spells and magic with Agnieszka and it really frustrates him
when she can't do the things that he wants her to do and the story really
goes on from there. The book strongly focuses on friendship, the friendship
between Agnieszka and Kasia is really really strong and I like that I don't
feel like I don't feel like Agnieszka is massively layered I don't feel like
she's a character that hugely went on a journey, I don't feel like she had a very
big character arc of course there's some character development there she becomes
more confident, she becomes more accepting of who she is blah blah blah
but I wouldn't say that she has a massive character arc. I also wouldn't
say that I felt that Kasia was a particularly strong character either I
really liked their friendship but I.

Wouldn't say that either of them
massively stood out to me on their own. One thing I would say about Agnieszka
that I liked is she's that stubborn protagonist but I love. I love stubborn
protagonists Sam said the same thing in her video and that's something that
we're very similar with we both really like stubborn headstrong characters and
I like that she... You understood why she was being headstrong and you understood
why she was being stubborn, there was no point when she was being stubborn that I
went and like rolled my eyes I.

Understood everything that she was doing
and I really liked that. I really did like the Dragon I could see a lot of
Beast elements in him especially since reading the book after watching the 2017
version of Beauty and the Beast and I loved how he was stubborn how he
was grumpy how he was a bit cold how he was really abrasive that's my kind of
character of course I was going to love the Dragon and I liked that he he didn't
have to do very much for me to go like aww because any slight little movement of
him that's just anything away from his usual cold grumpy demeanor
I was like yes yes come on Dragon open up a little bit, I just loved him. I love
them together this book does have romance in it but it's definitely not a
book that has too much romance I would say the romance left me wanting more me
and Sam talked about this when I'd finish the book and we both feel the
same way it's it's a book that makes you want more from the romance but what we
did get was absolutely amazing I love seeing them come together it wasn't
sweet and soppy it was like friction and then they put away from each other
because they don't,  oh I don't like you and then they'd be like yes I do and
I just I love that that's that's my thing. But the thing that intrigues me
most is that when I actually picked up Uprooted I didn't think it was adult, I
thought it was YA and I would say that I.

Still felt like the book was a little
bit YA it was only parts of the romance that then pushed it that bit further
into perhaps like a new adult fantasy genre I don't feel like this book is
100% adult I feel like it kind of straddles the line of YA and adult.
There is a little bit of mature content when you get to the road where it's part
of just saying but if you take that bit away I don't feel like the book was
massively adult so it's interesting that it is classed as adult. I know there's
some criticism about the magic system some people were saying that they felt
like the world building was sloppy that the magic system wasn't explained and I
do feel like I'm basically repeating Sam here, but that didn't bother me at all
it didn't bother me that I wasn't explained everything because this wasn't
a world where the character is coming into the situation not knowing anything
she hasn't been in the dark she's from this world so the fact that we weren't
getting that explanation I was fine with. I feel like I finally got a book for the
question that you get in a tag which is name a book that you love that
everybody else hates because I know that not
everybody hates uprooted but I have really seen a lot of negative reviews
for this book and I personally just don't get it although a little bit of me
can see perhaps why you wouldn't love it I don't get how you can hate this book. I
respect everyone who hates this book I.

Respect everyone who doesn't like, it but
I personally absolutely loved it. Something else that I really liked about
this book which is kind of funny because a lot of people don't like this aspect
of the book is how fast-paced it was I. Could see where the book would have
finished if it was a duology if it was a trilogy how it would have been padded
out and it was just nice to read a strong fast-paced standalone that I
could really get into that I liked the characters and ultimately I gave Uprooted 5 out of 5 stars. If you haven't read this book yet I
strongly recommend that you pick it up I.

Really enjoyed it I hate that it took me
so long to read it so many of you Sam included were like will you just pick up
this book so I finally read it and you guys were right.
Have you read uprooted yet what did you think about it, please let me know in the
comments and no spoilers please and if you haven't read it yet are you planning
to? Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys again soon bye!.

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