Think I got all of them. Why don't we just jump into it? I really got to say though It's been so much fun and for me to discover How much joy you can get out of reading, I know it sounds really uhm Maybe obvious, but you always hear people say oh, it's so important that we read and it's so I wish more people would just read but people never say how fun it is to read it's like its completely forgotten I wanted to start off with recommending this book called 'I am a Legend ' I think this is a great book if you haven't read anything in a while and don't really know what to get into It's very light, and it's very gripping from the beginning to the end. It's a story about Robert Neville who is The last living man, and he's bunkered up in his home because at night Vampires come out and they want to- they want his blood. They want to kill him they sort of tease him and taunt him To get him out of his house because he's bunkered himself up in a way that they can't reach him protecting himself with garlic and just following Neville in this horrible horrible scenario that the vampires want to kill him and He can only go out during the day if it's sunny outside Immersing myself into that horrible scenario was so wonderful in a way I don't know how to describe it otherwise.
Neville is a scientist so he's sort of try and make sense out of the situation and make sense out of the supernatural in a way thinking. Why are they afraid of garlic? Why? Do they only die if I poke him with a with a wooden pole? It was just really interesting to follow and apparently this is the book that popularized, popuralized? Popularized...Anyway that made ad-pocalypse scenarios popular like the zombie fad or whatever. Which for someone that's so sick of that idea, this was Ironically so refreshing. You may be familiar with I am Legend because of the film with Will Smith and he does follow it pretty similarly Similarly?I CANT SPEAK but in the film They're zombies there were these weird zombie thing, but it's But it's like thEY'RE VAMPIRES.
That's the point of the book. You can't just change that Completely miss the whole whole idea and the ending of of this book, which I won't spoil of course But I will tell you it was one of the it gave me chills it really hit me hard. It's a very clever and interesting ending that really stuck with me and I. Loved it for it I thought it was entertaining from the beginning to the end and that's why if you haven't read anything in a while You can definitely get into this if you don't mind reading a horror, and I'm giving this 5 out of 5 stars hooray Next up we have Dune which oh boy I said I wanted to read more sci-fi so ton of you suggested that I would read Dune.
This is apparently What people say even here at the back? It says the greatest science fiction novel ever written It's about this desert planet called Arrakis That contains the most valuable element in the universe which is the spice melange which is this Spice that can be used for many different things But it gives you the ability to increase your lifespan It allows for interstellar travel to be possible, but to harvest despise You do put yourself at risk from these giant earth worms so And it's an extremely tough landscape, water is a currency in itself almost so it follows the story of Duke Leto Atreides, his wife lady Jessica and Paul who gets caught up in the conflict between the houses That are trying to fight over control over the planet because whoever controls the planet controls the universe because you control the spice They get caught up in the conflict and that Sort of where the story takes speed in my opinion. It's weird because they really spoil a lot at the back of the book I. Definitely don't recommend reading in the back of the book, but I was literally 200 pages in and I thought to myself This hasn't happened yet We haven't gotten even here yet, so the book takes a long time a long time to really take speed in my opinion But what it does is an amazing journey that I love taking part of Unfortunately there are so many names and so many Concepts and so many characters that I got really lost the first few hundred pages I think that's why people love this book so much because it's so incredibly rich But since I didn't pay I think as close attention as I could have done I would have enjoyed the the last What is it, 300 pages a lot more if I had paid more attention. Because I constantly had to remind myself 'oh okay, what was that again? Oh okay..What was...
What was that?' I kept forgetting and it was hard to -honestly, It was hard to keep track on it nevertheless. I loved it I loved following the journey it was badass to say the least it's interesting How Dune is such a popular and well-loved sci-fi? But it does have a film made out of it, it even has a game I think. Maybe I'm wrong, but it never got really as popular as a lot of what it inspired It clearly inspired to Star Wars. I can see a lot of resemblance.
I think Game of Thrones even The creator of that even said himself that he was inspired by Dune. This clearly inspired so much of our entertainment, but it hasn't really reached that mass appeal. It's it's not nearly the biggest Star Wars I think someone said the reason why is because it doesn't really have What made sci-fi popular back at when it was written. It doesn't really have robots It doesn't really have computers and these were the things that people wanted out of sci-fi back in back iN THE DAY.
So it'd be interesting if Dune somehow makes a rebound and gets remade into another film and if that becomes popular or not that would be really interesting because or maybe a TV show or something like that since there's so many Arabic names you can have a diverse cast in there and Studios can pat themselves on the back and be like wow we did such a great job. It takes place in the desert. It's about harvesting the most important element in the universe controlled by the rich. It has a bunch of Arabic references.
Are you talking about oil perhaps Frankie, Frankie Herbie? I think this book can definitely be interpreted in different ways even though. It's really just a badass space adventure Given it four out of five stars Dune was the book I said, I was gonna read. Did you read it as well. Did you share my opinion about it? I'm not by any means saying what I think is right or wrong But it'd be interesting to know a lot of talking.
I hope this is all right. I don't feel Feel very self-centered for me to do all the talking, but please do share your ideas as well I do wanna, I do want to hear it. Now moving on I wanted to read Murakami, Kafka P Stranden, Kafka on the shore. I read this in Swedish because I wanted to brush up my Swedish skills, which didn't really help.
Kafka on the shore is the story about self-fulfilling Prophecy it's a story about a young boy that runs away from home, and you follow him in one chapter And then he alternates to another character which is an old man Who's not very bright but he can talk to cats and he's looking for some things you have a character running away And then you have a character looking for something in it and one at the beginning of his life And one at the end of his life you sort of see their stories come together But the old man can talk to cats somehow, and it's a very very uh surreal story it almost feels like a dream at times when you follow it it is very honest and open about the fact that it's the story retold in a way almost the story of the ancient greek mythology of Oedipus* I think it's called odaepuss (oedipus*)? Which if you're not familiar is it's the story about a king that was told to him a prophecy that his son would kill him and Take over his wife *light inhale* (ahEH) and So he banishes his son to try and stop this prophecy, but the prophecy still gets eaeh fulfilled anyway he ends up- the son ends up killing his dad, and he ends up with his wife it's a very twisted sort of tale and So is this book. Uhm definitely. It's filled with the metaphors and It's categorized into surrealism which I can definitely agree with Because of that I don't think this book is necessarily for everyone. I think with Murakami's storytelling it seems that the feeling is more important than the story the the mood and he spends a lot of time explaining and describing things that might seem trivial and That might be a bit tedious if you're not really on board But it's funny cause Murakami even admits this himself in the book.
He sort of leaves you hints on how he thinks you should interpret Reading which I thought was pretty funny Murakami's presence is very clear in this book Which I actually really really like I feel like I'm learning who he is by reading his work. Which is really interesting Even if you don't understand everything in the book and what it means, it you can still draw your own conclusion And if you're completely wrong that's okay, that's be- That's besides the point at least that's a hint I picked up on, another hint was how he really does love describing things that might seem trivial like I mentioned And he even mentions Dickens himself that he would spend I don't know 20 pages just describing how a cabin looks like and You do get a lot of that in this book as well. I feel like I have to mention since it is the story of self-fulfilling prophecy about Ending up with the wife- his mom, it does contain incest which genuinely Disgusted me. Now I, I know Murikami he's a pervert and so am I but I did not appreciate those chapters I can't even pretend that I enjoyed it.
It was just disgusting and Because of that I don't know if I should be recommending this book to everyone. I will rate this book still, four out of five. I still really loved it, and I I really look forward to reading more Murakami. I love his work.
*Clap* Are you still *clap* with me everybody? YEaaAh. Now after reading Dune and Murakami which are pretty hefty novels I wanted to read something more simple something lighter. I know I made other promises of books I was gonna read But I I just I I thought I need to break with something so I decided to read American Psycho Which is a very dark satire comedy and It's about Patrick Bateman, which is this Wall Street Worker, who is rich. He is handsome.
He's charming. He's successful He's great in every single way, but he's a psychopathic killer (yay) So you basically get to follow the life of? Patrick Bateman his internal monologues what he goes through every single day and the interactions he has with other people and just Following that was so funny. I think there's like a whole chapter Just describing the brands of of the things in his apartment which might sound really boring, but it was hilarious I found myself laughing out loud so often while reading this which was Honestly great, what's really scary about this book, is that how much I don't think it's just me, I could really relate to Patrick Bateman. Maybe it's the YouTuber ego I really thought about that a lot How I think we've all been in the situation where *has a moment* how do I describe this so I don't seem like a psychopath If you're in a line, and you're in a hurry you immediately start thinking of everyone else as a nuisance.
They're in the way they're in your way to reach your goal since Patrick sees himself as such a perfect person as such a Elitist being he really sees everyone else as and as a shallow person they can't even be compared to him, and I think that's what becomes his demon because Because he puts himself in such high regard everyone else becomes completely insignificant And he -that becomes his pain He wants other people to feel that pain, and it goes extremely dark and extremely graphic with its Violence and gore. To me, I can understand if that would turn some people off, and I don't think I'm like 'Oh I'm so edgy, I don't care', but it wasn't really that Bad I guess I don't know it doesn't go on overboard at least It's very interesting to me how even though he's a psychopathic killer You still really like him. And I thought a lot about Why that is, why do you like this horrible person. Is it because we do care so much about these? Positive traits that he does have like he's handsome and Sophisticated and rich, or is it because you sort of just get attached because you follow along I don't know, but it's an interesting question number tha less and it's a great piece of satire And I really loved it four out of five.
I recommend if you want to read a comedy neXT BOOK. This is a book that I said I was gonna read, and I think a lot of you Hopefully picked up as well because I would love to discuss this with someone, that has read it It's live 3.0 From Max Tegmark Which is a Swedish professor at MIT in Boston I think (it's actually in Cambridge, MA but shhhhh) He does a lot of AI research. I wanted to read this book to learn more about AI and Max really describes The problem that media has really twisted the idea what we think AI is with movies and such and anytime AI is being spoken up you have the the Terminator robots with the red eyes And I think I think even in my AI video that I made I put that as the thumbnail Which is very cringe-worthy now after reading this book? But nevertheless He's explaining that that's not how a AI is going to be at all and he goes through every Single aspect of how if we invent AI that is smarter than a human What sort of consequence that is going to be. AI can obviously bring us a lot of positive and good things? But there's a lot of unanswered questions that we haven't dealt with yet, then and some questions that are very tough But just because they're tough doesn't mean we shouldn't think about them Professors and researchers in AI are all kind of torn on the issue some people say oh We will invent AI smarter than human beings in a 100 years and some people are saying no it won't happen until maybe a thousand years and some people saying no we will never Be able to do that.
Theoretically it's possible it's not an impossible thing and if we do invent AI that is smarter than human beings that is going to have a massive impact on humanity people are saying it's gonna be the last invention that mankind will need to make and It's going to not just shape. Humanity, but also the entire universe and. Following all these steps in the book was so... Interesting and so Immersive it felt almost like reading a sci-fi Because some of the things discuss are just so Unbelievable the reason why it's important that we discuss these ideas about AI now, is that Sure, we invented the fire, and then we invented the fire extinguisher afterwards, but in the case of AI.
The damage of not being prepared could lead to Consequences that are way beyond us so we need to start discussing these ideas now the sooner the better basically and It's interesting cuz apparently this sort of issue with AI has been a very niche idea for a long time And it's not until recently and with the outcoming of this book as well that it's it's again, Thankfully gotten speed. I think keeping that in mind. This book is incredibly important basically Max talks about way before we even existed in microorganisms And the very first set of life and then going literally billions of years into the future and even to the end of the universe and uhh these were the chapters that i loved. The ending chapters, so fascinating I feel, I feel Dumbfounded almost by so much of space that I had no idea about and I think a lot of people actually don't either discussing the hypothetical ideas of about dyson spehres And how we could gather energy in a more efficient way from black holes and all these things that just seemed so impossible, but theoretically Theoretically, they're possible But now with the idea that AI might be might be.
Thing in the future it actually seemed like that could actually be a thing and that's so cool learning about dark matter which I had no idea about and how we don't even understand what it is really and What implications it has on what, where we can actually reach in space and in our universe learning about O'Neill cylinders. Which I've seen in like Si-fi's and such I didn't know there were things so basically if you look up you'll have the Sun in the sky even though You're living in this. I don't know weird structure in space orbiting so cool aAAEH Maxwell's talks about conscience, which I thought was really interesting because you're almost getting into philosophical area of what does it mean to have conscience can we outrule the fact that AI. Will have conscience or not, how do we define it? All these things I was very very intrigued by and I want to give this a five star (me too) I feel like I should but at the same time when you're discussing a hypothetical scenario Or some scenario that he admits may or may not ever happen I think Max really wanted to address every single issue with AI.
He he really lays it all out on the table But I found it sometimes to be a bit tedious, and I wish he spent more time on other bits But I also understand why he did that and I also think that's it led to me unexpectedly enjoy bits that I. Didn't think I would so. Great book Really recommend it that if you're interested in this sort of things we have one more book guys And it's another book that I said I was gonna read we have Beyond Good and Evil with Frederick Nietzsche and oh how naive I was to think that I could read Nietzsche I wanted to read this because I heard so much about Nietzsche, and I wanted to leave- uh read philosophy I. Read a lot of comments about it people saying dude you can't just jump right into beyond good and evil, you need to sort of ease your way into it and It sort of made me almost scared of reading it I was like should I even bother like what's the point.
But I thought to myself 'hey, I said I was gonna read the book. I bought the book. Why not you know even if it's too Complex for me. Why not give it a try?'And so I tried my very best immediate to - Faced with two issues which is the language? I think I would have done better if I read this in Swedish, maybe I had to constantly look up words then again, He also right off the bat starts off by analyzing other philosophers Which I'm not familiar with so it was really hard for me to really understand what he's trying to convey just From the beginning.
I was like whoa okay, and But nevertheless there were bits that I really did pick up on that. I thought were really interesting for example, He points out that when we look at things like a tree for example We don't really look at all the details of it We sort of we don't look at the leaves necessarily in all the branches And he says, Nietzsche says we do the same thing when we read something we sort of pick the words that we can Associate with things that we think we know already he Nietzsche points out that in that sense We're all artists And we're all inventors because our knowledge is actually our own make-belief which I thought was so true While trying to interpret this book because the things that I actually really picked up on where the things that I could Associate with things I already I already knew Which is very interesting Nietzsche believes that philosophy is The philosopher's confession of his character in a way and You know, I wish I may not understand everything that was in this book But I do know that a lot of people love Nietzsche. I felt like I could understand why people love his character because he's very Present in this book. He's very charming, I would say.
Obviously there's a lot of in this about religion he talks about how we're We're atheists, but we're still religious And he points out how we we don't really look at God as father figure anymore And we sort of replaced our Religion with science which is *diva* oh my god so true? Stupid neil degrasse *angery* tyson *intense gargling* there was a lot of bits that I didn't understand at all especially the chapters about race I. Talks about the German race and how complex it is and talked a lot about the Jews and I. Didn't really understand what he was trying to say, but what I do really like about Nietzsche Which I think I understand at least is that he's ideas come from a realist point of view And he criticized other philosophers that sort of try and make you feel good with their poetic Ideas almost, but he wants you to analyze What your thoughts are and where they're coming from and he also recognizes that We might think we know what the motive is behind our intentions of actions But it's actually far more complex than we think it is, which I find myself, after reading this, trying to question myself more and what, what the motive behind My intentions are (money) and and it's been a really fun mental exercise for me to try and do actually so I'm really glad Despite this being clearly above my league- reading comprehension. I'm really glad.
I still gave it a try and I didn't run away scared of it, so did you read it perhaps? Did you share my ideas? What did you pick up on? What was your knowledge? I had so much fun this month too while reading these and I had a lot of fun today Discussing these books with you. Thank you for for letting me do that and break away from- to something different I made a list of the things that I want us to read next month I really wanted to read Moby Dick just an old classic thought might be good I wanted to read another classic which is, my eye is so itchy im sorry, the Old Man and the sea I also wanted to read another philosophy and a lot of people suggested Man's Search For Meaning. I thought as well if you maybe don't feel like reading something as long or Something like that we would read a Murikami short story, so I thought we would read Toni Takitani, so maybe we can discuss some aeeh Short stories where economy has amazing short stories, and I think that's probably want to be strength. That's it I'll see you guys next month and let me know if you picked up any of my recommendations Or if you're going to join me along on on these novels and yeah, thanks again really appreciate it please do leave a like if you enjoyed and made it this far and aHeH brofist.
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