![Book and Movie ReviewA Man Called Ove [CC]](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/g1dZILM-myM/mqdefault.jpg)
And Fredrik Backman is becoming one of my favorite authors ever, so I definitely wanted to do this review for you guys. First I'm going to be talking about the book, and then I'll talk about the movie, and then be done. A Man Called Ove follows a very cantankerous, cranky old man that's living in a suburb of Sweden alone in his house. He's lost his will to live, and so this has possibly some trigger warnings for suicide.
Ove is a very specific type of person. He is described in the book as being born in the wrong time period, and I definitely agree with that. He's very old-fashioned. He just wants to live a very simple, practical life, and he doesn't want all of these extravagant things that other people seem to be wanting.
He doesn't really care too much about technological advances. He just wants to live his life and not have to interact with very many people at all. He's one of those people that judges people for the type of car that they drive because he thinks that this one specific type of car named Saab is the best company of cars around, and he judges people for not driving those type of cars. Ove's also very frugal.
He keeps his money. He saves things. He doesn't like to pay for people to do stuff. He'd rather do it himself.
He also has borderline Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. At least, I thought so because he has a very strict routine and he has to follow it, and if he doesn't, he just kind of [freaks out]. I'm having a hard time describing this book because I don't want to spoil too many things, so let me try. The story really begins when Ove has a run-in with some new neighbors of his.
They have been driving in a no- -driving section, and he has to tell them what he thinks about that. And then it just follows him interacting with all of these neighbors that are not following the rules, and he has to deal with and teach the proper ways of going about doing things. That the best that I can do. I'll leave a link down in the description to the Goodreads and Amazon pages if you want to check out more synopses and everything like that.
As you guys know, we're going to go through my pros and my cons, and then I'll give you my rating for the book. And then I'll talk about the movie. My first pro is he talks about a pass storyline that throughout the course of the novel ends up meeting up with the beginning of where the book starts. And then there's another storyline that goes in the future, and so we follow Ove in two different time periods of his life.
And its really nice and easy to see which one you're in because the titles are labeled as such. So "A Man Called Ove" is the present tense and then "A Man Who Was Ove" is the past tense. And it starts off with him being much younger, a child, and then it follows his life until you get to the beginning of this book. And for me I really like when those things are happening in a book where you get these two different storylines and they overlap in different ways throughout the story.
So really like that! I also really loved Ove's neighbors. I thought they were so funny and the interactions that Ove has with his neighbors are so funny because while reading this book I could see those things happening so vividly in my mind because everyone has bad neighbors that they have interacted with every once in awhile. And so seeing him having to deal with bad neighbors over and over and over again is so funny to me, and I really enjoyed seeing how he dealt with all of these different people that he has problems with in different ways. This book is written in third person close which means that you get all of Ove's thoughts and feelings, but it's written in third person.
So it says, "Ove walked down the street," and so I think that's something that's really interesting that I loved about this book was that all of the neighbors are given descriptions. And he calls the neighbors by their descriptions. He doesn't call his neighbors by their names because he doesn't care enough to learn them. And so at the beginning of the book it's only descriptors, and as the book goes along, the names start to trickle in.
So it's really interesting to see when the names are used and when the descriptors are used in different situations because you can definitely tell how Ove was feeling about his neighbors at certain times. So I really love that, and that was a very subtle thing that I. Thought was brilliant. And my last pro for this book, okay not my last bro but the last one I'm going to talk about is going to be that it touches on some important issues.
It talks about aging, and it talks about disability and how difficult it was for people that were disabled to get through life when people wouldn't accommodate for them. I don't wanna go into more detail other than that, but it definitely promotes how it's so important to respect older generations and it's important for older generations to respect younger generations. It's just one of those things that it needs to be a back-and-forth, mutual respect, again, that everyone just needs to treat everyone as human beings and to understand where people are coming from. And they shouldn't jump to conclusions, and they shouldn't take advantage of people because they may not be as knowledgeable in something that someone else.
So don't take advantage of someone that is of an older generation because they don't take to technology as quickly as a younger generation would. So I really like seeing the older generations and the younger generations interacting and seeing that message of mutual respect. I wrote a list of things to talk about. Apparently I only had one con.
My one con for this book is going to be that it took me a very long time to be "team Ove". Like, I was just like, "Ugh, this man is so annoying!" I did not like him, so I didn't love him straight off the bat like I have for some of his other books. It took me a while to warm up to Ove because he does have a very strong personality and it's hard for me to get into the head space of someone like that. That's not willing to listen to other people and has a very strict way of doing things.
It took me awhile to get on his side, but once I did, I was totally team Ove. I was like, "You go! You go, old man. I love you!" Another thing that you just might want to know which wasn't a con for me at all, but this book is a lot more slow-moving, I feel, than some of the other books that I've read by him. But I think that the story benefits from that slow-moving nature, and I think that the story is well done with exploring all of those things methodically and seeing those things change gradually as the novel goes along.
I don't know if I'm making any sense. Another thing about this book that you might want to know is that it's originally written in Swedish, and then it's translated by Henning Koch whom translates all his books. I really enjoy Henning Koch's translation. I'm not sure how the Swedish compares.
I've heard it's still amazing, so I think that he's doing a really good job of translating it. And I can't even tell that it's translated at all besides the fact that Ove is obsessed with Saab cars because I think that's the Swedish thing. But because of all of those pros and just some of those cons that, I had ended up giving this book four stars which is less than any of the other books that I've read by him, but this book is absolutely fantastic! I just love Fredrik Backman's writing. I definitely recommend this book.
I'm glad I started with My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She's Sorry because that was a little bit more quicker-paced, but this one is so good. I definitely, definitely recommend it. It's just a little bit of a darker read, I guess, because he has lost his will to live. Now I'm going to talk about the movie! So after reading the book, I ended up watching the movie.
The movie is in Swedish, and so you had to read English subtitles. And I'm not good at watching a movie and reading subtitles, so let's just get that out there at the beginning because I want to watch what's happening on the screen but then I have to also be at the bottom and read the subtitles which would also switch from the top to the bottom to the top to the bottom. So I was, like, jumping all over the place trying to read, and I. Ended up having to rewind a little bit sometimes because I wanted to know exactly what they said and sometimes it moved a little bit quicker.
I'm just not very good at watching subtitled things. Let that be known. I actually thought this was a really good adaptation. The beginning scene is different, and there are a lot of things that are different in the movie than they are in the book, and a lot of things that are just rushed over, and a lot of characters that you don't get to know as in-depth as you do in the book.
But that's pretty standard for book-to-movie adaptations. Something I loved about this movie was that it really gave that atmosphere of the book. It really gave that desolate, alone feeling that Ove has throughout the novel, and it also has that very humorous aspect that the book has as well. Like, this man is just trying to be by himself and do what he needs to do, but all of his neighbors are ridiculous.
And he has to help them clean up their messes, and he gets really annoyed at them. And it's both very isolated-feeling and very dreary and almost sad in a way, but then also so funny because they're really funny parts about this movie and book as well. As compared with the book, the movie is obviously more fast-paced, and as I said before when I was talking about the book that I think this story really benefits from moving slowly and connecting with the characters and having a slow burning relationship with the characters in this book. Because it was a lot quicker moving, I didn't care about the characters as much while watching the movie.
But again that's impossible to get from that book into a movie format, so I. Really enjoyed what we could get in this movie. And I think that you really connect with Ove and the main secondary characters like his neighbors that just move in at the beginning of the story. As I said this movie is very, very much the book.
It just takes out certain things. So all of the things that I. Talked about the book with, they had those in the movie besides if just being quicker-paced and the ending to the movie was different than the ending of the book which I like because then you can experience both and one doesn't spoil the other to a point. Like, they end somewhat similarly, but they have different things that happened at the very end that I found enjoyable.
I really liked how this ended, and I really liked seeing where Ove and everyone end up after the book is over. So yeah, I. Definitely recommend both of these. I definitely recommend reading the book first because that's what we do here on BookTube, but the movie definitely gets the job done.
And I think that it was really well-directed, and I really liked the feeling and the atmosphere that the movie gave the story. That's going to be my book and movie review on A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman. If you liked it, please give it a big thumbs up and comment down below if you guys have anyone in your life that is born in the wrong time period that they just want to live a very specific way, but everything around them is changing. I.
Definitely know people like that. I know people like that that're my age, and so I. Just know when we get older they're going to have just the worst time interacting with people. And I will talk to you guys next time! Bye!.
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