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With select systems You can get a 256 gigabyte SSD. Other great offers check out: OriginPC.Com. Great people, great computers and.. Moving on with the video! Meme Review - just kidding.
It's just me! I didn't get much sleep last night, and I'm just like can we This video will be very chill; just one video, that would be very chill. Thank you very much ok alright ok Feels kind of stupid making a video like this because who cares what PewDiePie has to say about literature if you follow me on Twitter, I've been posting I've been reading a lot of books lately and a lot of people were asking, "hey Do a book review" so here I am. It was three people that asked actually it's really weird I don't think I've ever read this much in my entire life. It just sort of happened, and I've been loving it I had a blast this month reading these books Consider Phlebas, Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451, Children of Time, the Picture of Dorian Gray, and 12 Rules of Life.
I basically wasn't - it's not a new year's resolution or anything like that I used to read, YouTube sort of made me completely stop And I've been really desperate to just do other things in my spare time and I've been loving it and I plan to keep, keep on reading and maybe uh, this could inspire you to read as well or uhhhh Might just be interesting to hear what I have to say. I don't know probably not, shut up! First book is: Consider Phlebas or plebas or phLeBaS. You know this is an important writer because the title of his name is five times big as the title of the book I didn't know anything about Ian M. Banks.
I know he's from - he's a Scottish writer? This was written in nineteen 1987. I don't think the title or the cover has anything to do with the book I just knew I wanted to read a sci-fi I got this idea that I just want to immerse myself in a completely different universe and Space seems like a great place to go. I've been really interested in AI lately, and I thought Maybe, maybe I can discover that. I just searched up classic sci-fi and this is what came up.
It's about the main character whose name is Horza, and he's a very interesting protagonist He's a changer as it's called and Whenever I, uhh Whenever I read a Old literature that is considered a classic But hasn't been made into any form of movie adaptation because Hollywood would literally take anything and make a movie out of it - But they don't - I'm always thinking why? Why has this not been made into a movie and well I think it's the protagonist. How do you make a movie about a character that can change into other people? It was very interesting to have a character, that's sort of OP (overpowered) in a sense. He can change into other people - not as seamlessly as x-men or whatever; that blue girl or whatever - But nevertheless he can do it he has teeth that if he bites you you'll become paralyzed and if he even just scratches you and He will have the same effect. He doesn't really use the powers as - just as a superhero It's more of a way to as a power struggle This is so uninteresting.
I realize sorry, but the main cha - I just find it interesting that the main characters like he has these really great abilities and that made it really fun. It's basically about Horza who is - I don't; I feel bad for not remembering this - but he's with the Idiran, which is this space group of people. Man, I'm explaining this amazing. And Idiran is at war with The Culture which is this uh space group of people.
And Horza is uh, he wants Through some strange turn of events, he wants to retrieve this AI that had crash-landed on a planet called Schar's World That's the story. A lot of things happen in between but if you write a summary of the plot it can be extremely short But it is a space opera in a sense that a lot of cool stuff happens You know? They, they fight at a temple, They play this crazy space game; things that it wasn't really necessary for the plot but it was fun to be part of the journey and That's what I enjoyed about it. Iain the writer loves the culture. It's very clear while reading this that he loves describing What? The civil - space, civilization is, what their morals are, what their ideas are and He spends a lot of time on this and personally I found it a bit boring after a while I wanted to know more about Horza.
Why is he part of the Idiran? Why does he want to retrieve the AI so badly? What is his motive as a character? What is that drives him through to to want this so badly? We never really find the answer to that which I find to be kind of annoying But it wraps up nicely in the end and it's overall just a fun space adventure I think that's really all it is so I would rate this 3 out of 5 stars It was alright. It was okay. Moving on: I wanted to read a dystopian futuristic Sci-fi. I read 1984 by George Orwell before and it's one of my favorite Books it was a book that really left that impact on me I and the meaning and the story tied together really gripped me and I think about it a lot.
A lot of people suggested Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, which is very similar to 1984 but they sort of tackled the same issue but Completely different perspectives. Basically, uh Aldous describes a future - this was written, 1934 I think or something like that, a long time ago - and Aldous describes a a future horror scenario Human as a society. I think the year was like 2150 or something like that - we have a society where we are just perfectly content There's no problems, there's no diseases, people are born out of labs Through the Bokanovsky effect, people are born in- without a mother or a father They're just genetically produced. People are born into hierarchies So you have the hierarchies and social casts of alphas being the top guys Beta Gamma Delta's is that the right order and? Everyone is just content where they are.
The alphas are happy they're not deltas, and Delta's are happy they're not alphas, and if there's ever a problem for the people in the society they just take soma; they, they brainwash themselves with drugs, and they just feel better It's sort of plays on the blissfully ignorant sort of way of living And this is how people want to live this is how people are happy to be. Then, another character gets introduced who grew up outside of civilization, he's called a savage He is basically us he is he has the same ideas and values as we do and he meets this new world, a brav- the Brave New World the civilization that is completely different and the contrast between the savage and the civilization was hilarious I laughed so much while reading it. As an example: He tells the civilization that he has a mother. *Civilized Pewds* a mother? HAHAHA.
I love her *civilized Pewds* you love her? HAHAjsHA. It's very funny, I'm not even sure it's supposed to be funny But I, I laughed out loud a lot of times while reading it, but then The story like I said it might not seem as bad as in the beginning, but the story turns very grim and You understand that things are- this is not a way to live. This is actually a horror scenario and The ending left - just like 1984 - a very big impact on me. I think about this book a lot after reading it I love this book.
I think it's a masterpiece 5 out of 5. It's an incredible piece of literature. I could not recommend this enough if you like a dystopian future So you probably read it already anyway. It's very interesting as well to compare it to 1984 1984 which is written by George Orwell Described a future just to oversimplify.
He described a future Horror scenario as well where the government doesn't want you to read books I guess you can say, but Aldous describes the same fear, but he describes a future where society Doesn't want to read book- we just rejected it where we reject the knowledge ourselves So it's very interesting to have to two fears brewed into different uh, perspectives. Moving on, I don't need to go on too much So naturally I wanted to read more dystopian because I read two, and I loved them, so a lot of people suggested Fahrenheit 451 written by American writer Ray Bradbury, and you see here on the back: "Ray Bradbury's gift for storytelling reshaped our culture and expanded our world." - Barack Obama. I hated this book comparing this book to Brave New World, it makes this seem so shallow and so petty. I'll try my best to explain why I didn't like this book because I know a lot of people love this book and I know a lot of you probably have read this book because ironically your teacher told you to read this book- I bet you that's the case.
And the irony of that is that it probably will turn people off right reading books Because it's not an interesting story, but it carries a very important message So, so teachers want kids to understand his message about why literature is important But it's just gonna turn them off. That's how I imagine it. Anyway, I need to explain what this book is about, sorry It's about Guy Montag who's a firefighter, Sorry, he's a fireman, but he doesn't extinguish fires, get this: he, he burns books Burning books, guys, burning books is BAD obviously That's an important message But I just found it to be told in a very shallow and uninteresting manner the meaning was the story And not the story itself, which I found to be kind of annoying. I didn't care about guy the firefighter.
I didn't care what happened to him and It just made it not really interesting I read that apparently this book was written in a few days or maybe it was a month and you can tell I compared his writing style to, to Huxley it's this is a joke. I felt like sense it didn't really have a story, I'm just reading Ray Bradbury's ideas and his fears directly, and it just came across as kind of petty and Anti innovation, maybe at the time it was more reasonable to have the fear that in the future We're not gonna care about books anymore. That's Ray Bradbury's fear. His fear that we're gonna listen to the radio While doing other things and he makes a good point actually now that I think about it about, how we want to consume media so quickly now, that I did resonate to and he he sort of goes over the top with it he seems like the kind of person that will tell you don't spend too much time in the front of the TV because your eyes will become squared and to me that just seemed like Against innovation in the future.
Yes, he was probably right about how quickly we want to consume media But people still read books just because we have computers and television and radio That doesn't turn off from anything Maybe I misinterpreted But that's just how I understood the writer. Because of that I can't give this book too high of a rating I will give it a two out of five I don't really understand its price, and I would not recommend this book I would much rather recommend a book like this or 1984 Next. Book. So I asked Marzia what her favorite book was it's the Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde another, *smol kiss* fine piece of literature, and I understand exactly why Marzia loved this book, it has a meaningful, uh a meaningful story with sort of horror elements to it And I think, uh that hits, uh that's what Marzia would be interested in.
The story is about Dorian Gray who gets painted by Basil, this painter and The third character, which name is Lord Henry. It's kind- I don't want to get too much into each character, but basically Henry, and it gets really infatuated by this Picture of, of Dorian It's just such a beautiful picture that he painted That Basil painted, and, and Dorian himself really adores his pic- painting, every one loves his painting But it's between them that that it's been painted *Doria* This is incredible and incredibly beautiful, man He's, he's the perfect perfect being it's described as and he's a He's in a high social caste. He's well regarded He's rich, and he has it all, basically he has everything you could possibly want But he realizes that he's not gonna have this youth, this beautiful face forever, so he he sort of wishes that he could have it forever He wishes that he could look this young as his picture and as beautiful as a picture forever and that becomes his curse because he doesn't age at all and, Instead the picture becomes a reflection of his soul. Lord Henry, I would describe as - he's older than Dorian.
He is, he's lived a fuller life than him and he has experience and I think he looks at Dorian sort of as him- himself in the past and he gives Dorian advice through different things And maybe I'm describing the plot too much Sorry it-I, I think it's just interesting Dorian uh Makes a mistake and here's what I really resonated with this book He had the choice to either double down and just treat it as he did- it wasn't his fault I think as anyone can do when you make a mistake you can either own up to it Or you can confess that yeah, this is my mistake. I made a terrible mistake. Lord Henry, I would almost say is his, you know Devil on the shoulder and he tells Dorian No, you didn't make a mistake at all what you did was fine and even myself while hearing Henry's Claim, I was like yeah, actually he didn't do anything bad - Obviously he did - But it made it resonated to myself with like mistakes I made especially on YouTube where you turn it's hard to confess to the world that you made a mistake it may not seem like it and I. Went through that myself in my head where I'm like well, I didn't really make a mistake It's not really my fault, and I shouldn't have to own up to this but I'm glad I did because you don't want to end up like Dorian Gray because Basically since the painting, It's a reflection of his soul, the painting becomes more tainted By this path that Dorian has been led upon, and it's a very interesting story about vanity about how one mistake can lead your whole life astray and It's extremely well-written, and I really really really enjoyed this book I thought it was fantastic and I totally understand why it's Marzia's favorite book I would rate this 4 out of 5.
Next up: I wanted to read sci-fi so I read Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky this has been bought by lionsgate I think the film studio, so it's probably going to be made into a film How are they going to make this into a film? I don't know! Does anyone know? I think this was more what I was looking for when I in the beginning when I wanted to read sci-fi I think this is what I wanted to read, this tackles some really interesting topics like AI, time, human evolution, speciesism- How we value other species - it was very interesting. To describe the plot without any spoilers I think the best way I can say it: It's humanity's last hope is on this ship, and then there's also Humanity's old Empire as it's called sort of lingering in space, and then there's this planet where Humanity wants to go to but there's there's things on the planet so there's a power play in between the planet Humanity's last hope and the old Empire and you follow each of these perspectives more, or less and, It's just very interesting. It really made me look differently on, How we value species; I look at the humanity in the future, but overall it was just a fun space adventure. I really enjoyed it.
I thought it was it was fun from the beginning to the end I didn't really like the main character, I guess. I didn't- I wasn't as gripped by it as, I think a lot of all the people probably would be, it has an incredibly unexpected Character in it without spoiling it and I don't understand how they're gonna turn that into a film Maybe I'm making it seem more interesting in that it is but if you want to go on a modern space a sci-fi space thing This is why I'll never read or- write a book This is it. This is very gre- very good, very great I almost said, um I've been talking a lot How are you still here? Great because I'm trying to cut it short I don't think I'll ever read this much in a month because the last book I read which I finished last night Which is probably why I'm so tired is 12 Rules of Life: An Antidote to Chaos by Jordan B. Peterson.
You may know about Jordan B. Peterson already. He's very popular on YouTube For being sort of a free thinker; he's sort of a controversial figurehead as well And I think he's gotten a lot more flak than he deserves Because of it, because he's very cut and dry with his ideas Which is why he's been so embraced by the internet and disliked by media which I can sort of relate to Have you seen that interview he did with uh channel 4? It's sort of gone viral It's became a meme almost because the lady that tries to interview Jordan Try and strawmen argue against him. She keeps going, "Oh, so you're saying this," *actual vid* "but you're just saying that's the way it is" You're saying, *unknown* women have some sort of duty, Jordan: so if you want me gone Why you should dominate, but you're saying basically it doesn't matter.
If, it made, It made, her goal was to make him look bad and trash Jordans name in this interview He completely shut her down, and he made her look really vicious and really spiteful And he'd really made me want to read this book because of it cuz I was like wow that's really impressive and the Channel 4 News lady if you read the damn book you wouldn't have fallen into that trap he even discusses strawman arguing, and why that's wrong in, in the book - Ha gotcha - anyway, about the book itself. Twelve rules of life. I didn't read the title it's a self-help book I don't think I ever would have read a self-help book. It gave me a lot of new perspectives that I never thought I.
Would even have, it was very interesting even reading about advice that doesn't resonate with me at all But just to understand all the people. Jordan goes very deep in philosophical thinking and psychological thinking and he makes this very Simple claims, right? Uh tell the truth for example rule eight or at least don't lie we know that We know not to to lie and we know the moral implications of that but he goes so in depth in a philosophical and like I said a Psychological way, and how that by telling lies it really, twists your worldview. I really resonated with it that was the only rule where I was like I don't ever want to lie this is he really makes a great point here So I thought that was really interesting . There was a lot of rules I didn't I didn't need to read at all about raising kids or like how to deal with- the cope with the failing marriage and that sort of stuff.
But you can tell Jordans goal for this is to help people you can really appreciate that at least I think he Unfortunately does it in a way that he goes on a little too long sometimes. Sometimes I find it a bit, uh Beating the point to death and some of the analogies that he made seemed strange at times. They didn't really seem like they fit. He draws, uh, He draws comparisons and analogies from Disney movies to old biblical stories And there's a lot of religious analogies in this book a lot of religious analogies And I didn't realize until the very last chapter.
I was like he's religious I thought he grew up in a Christian household or something like that and and the reason that he drew a lot of religious analogies was because To prove the point that we always knew about this or maybe this is something that we we've known for thousands of years Through this biblical text. Whenever I look at self-help I can't help But feel a bit critical like is it what is this some sort of cult book or something like that? And, and finding out that he was religious in the end and it sort of Changed my perspective on the book I know that's kind of stupid maybe but he even, even Jordan himself brings it up that the past can, can be changed from the future and and finding out he's religious, eh It's not that big of a deal, but I feel like it's probably unfair for me to say but anytime self-help I'm like this is just some sort of cult following bullshit It's not it's not at all, but it made me look more critically at the rules Which I think you should do any time you get advice, about how to live your life. So I think that was fine, It didn't it didn't ruin anything for me, but I. Surprisingly like I said.
I really enjoyed this book. It was very fun to read, I will definitely take some lessons from this book Absolutely and it also made me understand other people around me better. That was the book I read in January I want to keep reading. I hope this was fun to listen to I know I've been going on a long time 30 minutes It's probably cut down a bit.
I had a lot of fun talking about these books I. Had a lot of fun this month having a hobby that doesn't involve YouTube. I used to, I used to read but YouTube just took over my life, hopefully this might inspire you to read more as well And maybe you'll pick up one of these. Next month, if you want to join me ehh, Book Club! I know already which books I'm gonna read next month; not all of them But I know I want to read Beyond Good and Evil from Frederick Nietzsche.
Everyone talks about Nietzsche all the time I never read anything from him and Jordan mentioned him a lot, so I I knew I wanted to read this I'm gonna read Life 3.0 By Max Tegmark which is He describes AI and how it, how it may or may not affect us in the future. He is a Swedish genius, I don't know if his genius, but he, the people compared to the Swedish Elon Musk and Elon Musk Even praises the book. My parents recommended this as well, so I started already a little bit, and it's very interesting And I want to read what you guys suggest me leave you- let me know in the comments If there's anything that you think I might be interested in. Leave a like if you enjoyed, I really hope you did (Captioner: I certainly did) If anything this is just one video Compared to a lot of other where I go and act like a *Dorian* so that's it goodbye Bye now, Squad FAM.
Is my *Dorian* hair up like this the whole time?.
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